Lanna: Monday 7 October 2013

Paul, John, Noi, Pranee, Garry
     Winter is on the way and the snowbirds are moving South. There was a sighting of Mark Morris at Lanna at the 19th hole and Mike Ackland literally stepped of the plane into his golf shoes and shot a gross 90 in a jet lag fog. Welcome back guys. Nineteen members and three guests turned out for the monthly stroke competition and the honours were captured by the Ladies Division. Continuing her success without husband Keith in attendance Noi Taylor shot a net 67 for a first place win and topped second place winner Pranee Buckley by one stroke.  Honourable mention goes to the Men, Garry Walker, John Dalton, and Paul Coppens who managed a three way tie at net 71.
    Next week will be the last Monday before the first game of the Annual Tournament the following week and a chance to check out the conditions. See you there.